Are you having challenges with your other half? Or going through a break up? The anger, betrayal, pain, and sadness can be overwhelming. You do not have to go through it alone. Let us help.
Do you feel that you are lacking clarity and direction in your career or business? Or burnt out from the constant stress you have been enduring which is impacting your quality of life? Find out how you can gain clarity and lower the impact of job/business stress.
Do you find yourself getting emotionally triggered easily these days? Or feeling overly anxious and worried about what is happening in your life 24/7? Take a long deep breath....we are here to support you.
Do you have trouble saying NO? Do you find yourself struggling to get back the money you loan to family and friends? Learn more about how boundaries can lead you to have better relationships, career and finances!
Hanafuda card reading provides clarity in major life areas such as career/business, relationships, finances and health. The readings will act as your guide as you make decisions as you move forward.
Heart Healing is a specific technique aimed at removing stagnant energies from your heart caused by stress, grief, depression, and other emotional related trauma. It helps to shift you to a higher frequency, resulting in feeling lighter, calmer and happier.